于 2020 年 12 月被任命为董事会成员 - 席位 5
Donnelly Tzul 女士是国际救援委员会 (IRC) 的执行主任。她还曾担任洛杉矶天主教慈善机构的项目经理和天主教慈善机构的律师。尽管她目前没有从事法律工作,但她过去曾是美国移民律师协会的成员。
她很高兴能够通过在 BACHA 董事会任职来更多地了解当地的住房状况,并了解直接服务接受者的观点。她了解博伊西和艾达县地区对经济适用房的迫切需求,因为她看到了为贫困人口提供安全、稳定的住房所面临的挑战。
KENT ROCK, Vice Chairman
2012 年 3 月被任命为董事会成员 - 席位 1
Kent Rock 是发布开发财务顾问公司的高级经理。在此之前,他曾担任发展规划和融资小组的高级经理。 2012 年,他从 1981 年以来一直在博伊西市任职的他从该市退休。1984 年,肯特被任命为市财务主管,并一直担任该职位直至退休。在此之前,肯特曾在规划和开发以及银行部门工作。
Kent 就读于爱达荷大学,并获得杨百翰大学夏威夷校区商业管理学士学位。
于 2022 年 11 月被任命为董事会成员 - 席位 2
蒂姆于 80 年代在爱达荷州长大。蒂姆在爱达荷州的荒野中学会了徒步旅行、狩猎和钓鱼。他对户外活动的热爱在他的朋友中是众所周知的,因为他喜欢大多数户外活动,包括漂流、露营和高山滑雪。 2000 年,蒂姆搬到博伊西,在博伊西州立大学攻读金融学位。 (野马队加油!)
作为一名年轻的企业家,蒂姆曾在银行工作,并投资了许多成功的初创企业。 2008 年股市崩盘期间,蒂姆参与了一次非法股票购买,这导致他的职业生涯戛然而止。他为自己的行为负责,并在 FPC Sheridan 工作了 17 个月,正如人们所预料的那样,他在那里进行了大量的自我反省。
阅读蒂姆的更多简历 这里。
KATIE VILA, Commissioner
于 2022 年 4 月被任命为董事会成员 - 第 4 席
Katie 担任 Roundhouse 的首席运营官,这是一家位于博伊西的多户住宅投资和开发公司。 Roundhouse 目前管理着 6,000 多个多户单元,管理资产约为 $1.5B。凯蒂负责监督公司的三个垂直领域:投资、开发和物业管理。她此前曾担任该公司的投资总监和开发经理,并于 2022 年被任命为 Roundhouse 的合伙人。
在加入 Roundhouse 之前,Katie 在 Kimley-Horn and Associates 的多个办事处工作,包括迈阿密和劳德代尔堡。她仍然保留着佛罗里达州的专业工程执照。
Katie 热衷于为 Roundhouse 居民创造和提供贴心的生活空间,她通过对设计的敏锐关注和提供人性化服务的管理公司来做到这一点。圆屋的使命是 将人性融入住房 凯蒂每天都努力执行这一使命。
于 2023 年 7 月被任命为董事会成员 - 席位 6
My name is Buffy Jones and I am delighted to be a part of this board of wonderful people. I am a full-time college student obtaining a social work degree and a minor and nonprofit management. My end goal is to open a nonprofit. I would like to open Center of Hope. I would like to help addicts and alcoholics recover from addiction. I would like it to be a minimum of a six month program inpatient treatment center. I would also like to incorporate mental health, domestic violence, and trauma therapy. Eventually, I would like to put an animal shelter attached to it so it could come full circle for the community with our animal population, and with the person graduating from the program has the option to adopt an animal. The opportunities that this board is giving me are too many to mention. I am also a person who is on Housing, and so being a part of this board is very special in my heart I am learning so much from the people that I’m surrounded by and I hope to someday share this with others.
于 2023 年 10 月被任命为董事会成员 - 第 3 席
Dr. Krista Paulsen, Ph.D. is a Professor in the School of Public Service at Boise State University, where she serves as Program Lead in Urban Studies and Co-Program Lead in Environmental Studies. She earned her Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of California at Santa Barbara. She has authored and edited multiple books and articles in urban sociology, focusing on processes of urban and neighborhood change. Her current research focuses on how new housing types impact neighborhoods and neighboring.
自 2021 年以来,Paulsen 博士共同教授了垂直一体化项目 (VIP) 课程《所有人的住房机会》,该课程从多个方面探讨了宝藏谷住房危机。通过本课程,她和她的学生研究了住房负担能力与分区法规、预防驱逐方法以及负担得起的租金需求之间的联系。她还定期教授城市研究基础、小城市和郊区以及研究方法等主题的课程。
于 2023 年 10 月被任命为董事会成员 - 席位 7
Marty Jacobs is a resident of downtown Boise, moving there from New York City several years ago to be closer to family.
Since moving here Marty has been very active in civic and cultural affairs of Boise. He is the former President of the Downtown Boise Neighborhood Association (DBNA) and an ex-officio Board Member of the Downtown Business Association (DBA).
A lifetime lover of classical music, Marty was the President of the Boise Philharmonic, successfully leading it through the Covid years. Currently, he is the President of the Boise Philharmonic Foundation and Chair of his HOA.
Prior to moving to Boise, Marty spent his entire career in the Legal Industry in New York City as the Director of Administration for very large, international law firms.
2024 年 1 月被任命为董事会成员
学生专员 - 席位目前空缺
学生专员 - 席位目前空缺
除非有理由召开特别董事会会议,否则董事会通常于每月第二个星期三下午 4:00 在 BACHA 行政办公室(1001 S Orchard Street, Boise)举行会议。