(208)345-4907 1001 S Orchard Street, Boise, Idaho 83705

Voucher Briefing Questionnaire

Use the form below to update your address while you are on a waiting list. The new address you enter will be associated with your application.

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Name (Head of Household)
1. The initial term of your Voucher will expire in how many days?
2. Who pays the Security Deposit for your unit?
3. You are required to report to Boise City Housing, in writing, any changes in family income or number of persons living in the household within how many days?
4. If you want to move to another unit, you are required to give Boise City/Ada County Housing Authority and your current landlord written notice how many days before you intend to move?
5. After your new unit has passed inspection, what do you do?
6. The Payment Standard is only one of the amounts used to calculate the assistance a household will receive under the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program.
7. Assistance begins when the unit has been inspected, approved by the Housing Authority, tenant and landlord have signed the lease, you have moved into the unit, and landlord has signed the Housing Assistance Payment Contract.
8. If you want to move to another unit owned by the same landlord, you may do so without giving notice and attending a briefing class.
9. The Housing Authority Inspector will schedule the inspection with the landlord, unless you are currently living in the unit.
10. You must only pay the amount of rent authorized by the Housing Authority.
11. The amount of rent you are required to pay may change based on your income.