(208)345-4907 1001 S Orchard Street, Boise, Idaho 83705

Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program

Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) is a HUD-funded program designed to assist individuals and families to obtain employment. The FSS participants will work toward reducing dependence on welfare programs and improving their financial stability. The Housing Authority works with social service agencies, non-profits, schools, businesses, and other community partners to develop comprehensive strategies that help participants learn the skills and gain the experience to enable them to obtain suitable employment.

Financial Incentive:

The FSS program has a financial incentive component. An escrow account is established by the Housing Authority for each participating individual or family. When the participant’s portion of his/her rent is increased due to an increase in earned income, the escrow account is credited during the term of the FSS contract. If the participant completes the contract within a five-year period by being suitably employed and is no longer receiving welfare assistance, the amount in the escrow account is paid to the successful graduate.

What are the main requirements in order to qualify for this program?

This voluntary program is offered to anyone receiving Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher rental assistance. Applicants must be the designated Head of Household.

How do you apply for this program?

To enroll in the FSS program, you must contact an FSS Coordinator who will schedule an intake and enrollment meeting.

Frequently Asked Questions

What will be required of me if I enroll?

Participants in the FSS program sign a five-year contract with the Housing Authority making a commitment to set and accomplish goals in areas of education, training, employment and personal growth. With the help and support of an FSS Coordinator, the participant’s needs and barriers are identified and a plan is written to guide the participant’s journey toward self-sufficiency.

Yes. There are many other goals we can help you achieve, and referrals we can provide, to help you achieve the level of self-sufficiency that is right for you.

Need Help?

Do you have a question or would you like to receive more information?

If you are already in one of our programs and need to contact your representative, click here.