(208)345-4907 1001 S Orchard Street, Boise, Idaho 83705


U.S. Department of Justice Awards BCACHA $300,000 for Transitional Housing Assistance Program

The U.S Department of Justice recently announced award of $300,000 for Transitional Housing Assistance, through the Office on Violence Against Women, to the Boise City/Ada County Housing Authorities (BC/ACHA). The funds will be used to continue the operation of a Transitional Housing Program that provides 6-24 months of housing and supportive services for victims who are homeless or in need of transitional housing as a result of a situation of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking; and for whom emergency shelter services or other crisis intervention services are unavailable or insufficient.

The BC/ACHA has partnered with the Women’s and Children’s Alliance (WCA) to secure funding for this program. This project represents the commitment of BC/ACHA and WCA members to work together to streamline efforts, search for effective alternatives, and leverage existing resources in order to create holistic, victim-centered services that assist victims of domestic violence in obtaining  decent, safe, and affordable housing. Project activities include a broad range of individualized services such as transportation, counseling, safety planning, and case management, which will be offered through the WCA.