At times, individuals and families experiencing homelessness and seeking housing assistance are also in need of supportive services, and in many cases housing without the social service component is not enough. The services offered vary depending on the program but may include case management, counseling, medical care, and other services. The primary goal of these services is to provide participants the support and encouragement needed to obtain and maintain permanent housing.

Who is eligible?
Supportive Housing helps individuals and families who are sleeping in places not meant for human habitation, such as cars, parks, sidewalks, and abandoned buildings, or those who are sleeping in an emergency shelter as a primary nighttime residence. For specific eligibility requirements of these programs, please visit:
For CHOIS – Coordinated Housing Options and Individualized Services
For HUD – VASH Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing
For OVW – Office on Violence Against Women Transitional Housing Program
Supportive Housing Programs and Information
The BCACHA currently administers three Supportive Housing Programs: Coordinated Housing Options and Individualized Services (CHOIS), Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH), and Transitional Housing through the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW).