(208)345-4907 1001 S Orchard Street, Boise, Idaho 83705


This page is intended to assist current participants of BCACHA’s programs who are receiving rental assistance. If you need help, find your Housing Representative here or call our office at (208) 345-4907.

Income Changes

During your participation, remember to report income changes in writing in a timely manner (10 days from date of change). At the bottom of the page is a link to the Interim Change Report form that will allow you to report these changes.

Changes in household members should all be reported to BCACHA in writing prior to the change and must be approved by BCACHA prior to additional individuals moving in. Members leaving the household must also be reported in writing to our office. At the bottom of the page is a link to the Add/Remove Housing Member Form that will allow you to request these changes.

All households are required to complete Annual Recertifications and Annual Inspections while participating in our programs. This is to verify that units continue to meet Housing Quality Standards and that income and household information are accurate and up to date. Your Housing Representative will mail you the applicable paperwork you must complete at the time of your annual recertification. Additional forms and verifications can be found at the bottom of this page.

If you are wanting to move, you must contact your Housing Representative well ahead of time. All participants must receive approval and complete the necessary paperwork before vacating. Paperwork and important information regarding the moving process will be provided to you when you contact your Housing Representative.

BCACHA takes all cases of fraud seriously and uses tools that are in place to assist and identify cases of fraud. These include but are not limited to:

  • EIV – Enterprise Income Verification is a system provided by HUD used to verify income reported by Social Security, employers, and others.
  • Complaints – Staff members investigate all reported complaints of fraud that are reported by email, phone or written correspondence.
  • Inspections – Annual inspections of units help to verify the home’s condition, households and living situations.
  • Media – News reports that involve participants and/or household members
    Court Documents – Review court records for participants and/or household members.

Fraud includes but is not limited to:

  • Unreported income.
  • Unreported/Unauthorized people.
  • Unreported vacancy of a unit.
  • Providing false information on forms.