(208)345-4907 1001 S Orchard Street, Boise, Idaho 83705


REVISED – Vine Roof Project – The Boise City Housing Authority invites sealed bids from qualified contractors for the Vine Terrace Roofing Project located at Vine Terrace – 1121 N. Vine St., Boise, ID 83703.

Vine Roof Project

REVISED – Vine Roof Project – The Boise City Housing Authority invites sealed bids from qualified contractors for the Vine Terrace Roofing Project located at Vine Terrace – 1121 N. Vine St., Boise, ID 83703.
Boise City / Ada County Housing Authorities’ Housing Programs Director, Jillian Patterson, was elected President of PNRC at their annual conference in May. Jillian is an inspiration to all at BCACHA and we are proud she is representing Boise, Idaho and our region at NAHRO.

Jillian Patterson – President of PNRC

Boise City / Ada County Housing Authorities’ Housing Programs Director, Jillian Patterson, was elected President of PNRC at their annual conference in May. Jillian is an inspiration to all at BCACHA and we are proud she is representing Boise, Idaho and our region at NAHRO.
Idaho Press Reporter, Paul Schwedelson, recently interviewed BCACHA’s Executive Director, Deanna Watson, for his article about the Boise “On Fire” rental market. 

Idaho Press Interview – Paul Schwedelson

Idaho Press Reporter, Paul Schwedelson, recently interviewed BCACHA’s Executive Director, Deanna Watson, for his article about the Boise “On Fire” rental market. 
Recent news reports continue to help us get the word out about emergency rental assistance available to Boise and Ada County tenants.

Emergency Rental Assistance Available in Boise and Ada County

Recent news reports continue to help us get the word out about emergency rental assistance available to Boise and Ada County tenants.
Shoreline Plaza Carpet Replacement Project – The Boise City Housing Authority invites bids from qualified contractors for the Shoreline Plaza Carpet Replacement Project located at Shoreline Plaza – 675 S. 13th St., Boise, Idaho 83702.

Shoreline Plaza Carpet Replacement Project

Shoreline Plaza Carpet Replacement Project – The Boise City Housing Authority invites bids from qualified contractors for the Shoreline Plaza Carpet Replacement Project located at Shoreline Plaza – 675 S. 13th St., Boise, Idaho 83702.
The Boise City & Ada County Housing Authorities (BCACHA) seek proposals from qualified contractors for videography services related to administration of the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) for Ada County and the City of Boise.

Request for Proposals- Videography Services

The Boise City & Ada County Housing Authorities (BCACHA) seek proposals from qualified contractors for videography services related to administration of the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) for Ada County and the City of Boise.
The Boise City / Ada County Housing Authorities are administering the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) for tenants in Boise and Ada County.

Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) – provides help to local tenants affected by the COVID pandemic

The Boise City / Ada County Housing Authorities are administering the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) for tenants in Boise and Ada County.
We are pleased to publish our Family Self-Sufficiency Newsletter for April, May and June 2021.

Family Self-Sufficiency Newsletter – Spring 2021

We are pleased to publish our Family Self-Sufficiency Newsletter for April, May and June 2021.
Welcome to the January/February/March 2021 FSS Newsletter. This edition is full of good information about the new year including FSS workshops, organizing, college and student loans, internet connectivity and a great story from one of our participants.

Family Self-Sufficiency Newsletter

Welcome to the January/February/March 2021 FSS Newsletter. This edition is full of good information about the new year including FSS workshops, organizing, college and student loans, internet connectivity and a great story from one of our participants.
Enjoy the October, November and December 2020 edition of the Family Self-Sufficiency Newsletter.

Family Self Sufficiency Newsletter

Enjoy the October, November and December 2020 edition of the Family Self-Sufficiency Newsletter.